Troop 228 competed in the GHV annual Klondike Derby and ran two stations. Our SPL and Simon were in charge of the stations, and Logan and Andrew ran the other Scouts through seven stations performing Scout skills. It was a…
Great night at the March Court of Honor for the Scouts in Troop 228. We had several new Star and Life scouts rank up. Congratulations to all our Scouts who ranked up and earned Merit Badges!
You and your family are invited to Troop 228’s Open House on March 8th, 6:00pm at the Amawalk Fire House, 1 Liberty Way Amawalk, NY 10501. This event is open to all interested in Grades 6 and Up. Prior Scouting…
Troops 228s Father/Son event took place on Sunday, January 17th at the outdoor classroom in the woods behind SIS. The Scouts participated in an orienteering competition/race, retired flags and did a belated holiday gift exchange. Great day to be outdoors…
Boy Scout Troop 228 is helping Somers’ residents recycle Christmas Trees with the help of the Somers Highway Department! The scouts picked up Christmas trees today from local residents and brought them to the Highway Department to be shredded. Great…
The troop will be collecting trees and recycling them for future projects around Somers. We open on 01/09/2021! Please use this link to to schedule a pickup:
Troop 228 scouts, leaders and dads enjoyed another weekend of fresh air as they hiked to the Fingerboard lean-to in Harriman State Park and camped nearby there this weekend.
Troop 228 would like to thank Robert Moore for representing his troop, his country and Somers at the Veteran’s Day ceremony on November 11th at Ivandell Cemetery in Somers. He read a poem by Lieutenant-Colonel John MacCrae’s “In Flanders Fields.”…
Troop 228 scouts participated in a service project at Lasdon park. The boys in the troop removed invasive vines making the trail passable for community hikers.