Merit Badges



With over 130 subjects available, merit badges form the second pillar of the Boy Scout advancement program. Scouts may earn a merit badge at any time and don’t need to have a particular rank completed in order to be eligible. There are several steps involved in earning a merit badge:

  1. Pick a Subject: Talk to your Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster about your particular interest in earning a merit badge. Confirm with them that a qualified merit badge counselor is available in your area.
  2. Worksheets: Many worksheets can be found online: Click here for Merit Badges. Read the requirements for the specific merit badge and complete the associated worksheet. You are expected to fulfill the requirements as indicated. Upon completion of the worksheet, your unit leader will give you a merit badge blue card along with the name/contact of the responsible merit badge counselor for sign-off.
  3. Review: The merit badge counselor has special knowledge of the subject matter involved in the merit badge. The counselor will test you on each requirement to make sure you have successfully fulfilled the criteria.
  4. Badge Award: When the merit badge counselor is satisfied that you have met each requirement, he will sign your blue card and give the signed application to your Scoutmaster. Your Scoutmaster will secure the merit badge emblem and present it to you at the Court of Honor.

Boy Scouts may work on merit badges from the time they join a Scout troop until they turn 18 years old. It is essential that Scouts not lose their blue cards as these cannot be replaced.